
Talent strategies
People empowerment, educating people through culture and giving full play to personnel’s talents are the philosopy of SYE talent cultivation. The Company makes full use of big data for the analysis of the diversified needs of employees to effectively integrate the realization of employees’ personal value with the strategic development of the enterprise, and create a learning organization for the common growth of enterprises and employees. The Company is committed to taking talents as the key to the sustainable development of the Company and the top priority of efficient organizational development. After years of summary and research, currently, the Company has a relatively mature talent strategy system. Based on the talent training, learning and development map, the talent development channel has realized multi-dimensional development from management sequence, technology sequence, business sequence and professional sequence providing employees with channels for vertical in-depth improvement and horizontal breadth expansion, which fully meet the diversified demands of employees and the win-win situation of the efficient development of the Company.
Vice GM/GM
Chief expert
Business director
Senior/Experienced expert
Experienced chief commissioner
Experienced business manager
Senior supervisor/General supervisor
Senior/director engineer
Senior/Director commissioner
Business manager
Business supervisor
Learning and development map
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