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The R&D Department of the Technology Center has more than ten main achievements of technical capability research and product development which have been appraised to the international advanced or domestic leading level by CPCA, Bureau of Science and Technology of Dongguan Municipality, Dongguan High-tech Industry Association and other authorities.

The R&D Department of the Technology Center has always focused on the development of high-end products in the industry, and its development of "big size unit HDI board" has been identified as high-tech products and independent innovation products of Guangdong province and national key new products. "graded gold finger board" products have been identified as high-tech products in Guangdong province and the national key new product."Metal substrate" products have been appraised on the international advanced level by the Guangdong province scientific and technological achievements, and identified as high-tech products in Guangdong province."The research and development of high precision type back-drill PCB ", "etching printed circuit board insulation technology research", "deep microporous high-speed circuit board development" and so on numerous projects was identified for the title of “the international advanced level”, and "Deep microporous high-speed circuit board" and "high frequency high-speed backplane" has been voted as excellent high-tech products in Guangdong province, "more heterogeneous high frequency module high-speed PCB" has been voted as excellent high-tech products in Guangdong province and Dongguan "hundreds of excellent innovative products". The production of numerous research and development results is of great strategic significance to the industry technology. Subsequently, the technology Center will devote to the development of more high value-added high-tech products, and will drive the technological progress of the whole industry.
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