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Return to shareholders

Return to shareholders
Historical dividend distribution
Year of distribution Description of dividends Total amount of cash dividends Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the listed company in the consolidated statement of dividend year Ratio to net profit attributable to common shareholders of Listed Companies in consolidated statements
2022 RMB1.6 (tax included) distributed to every 10 shares
RMB133,091,388 (tax included)
2021 RMB1.6 (tax included) distributed to every 10 shares
RMB133,091,388 (tax included)
2020 RMB3.3 (tax included) distributed to every 10 shares RMB274,500,987.75 (tax included) RMB439,233,733.36 62.50%
2019 RMB3.3 (tax included) distributed to every 10 shares RMB219,600,867.75 (tax included) RMB441,183,139.61 49.78%
2018 RMB1.8 (tax included) distributed to every 10 shares RMB119,782,291.50 (tax included) RMB213,188,738.56 56.19%
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