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Intellectual property

The Intellectual Property Group of the Technology Center is responsible for comprehensively improving the ability of intellectual property creation, protection and comprehensive application of enterprises, and actively implementing the "Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Standards" (GB/T 29490-2013) and passing the national certification. The company has been identified as Dongguan patent Advantage Enterprise, Guangdong intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, and national intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise. Since 2008, it has applied for 532 intellectual property rights, including 445 invention patent applications, 48 utility model patent applications, 25 patent PCT international applications and patent applications for foreign inventions, and 14 software copyright registration applications. At present, the company has 255 valid authorized patents, including 229 invention patents. In 2012, it won 1 Dongguan Patent Excellence Award, in 2018, it won 1 Dongguan Patent gold medal, and in 2022, it won 2 Chinese Patent Excellence Awards.
  • 445 invention patent applications
  • 25 PCT international applications and patent applications for foreign inventions
  • 48 utility model patent applications
  • 14 software copyright registrations
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