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Technology Center Introduction

Technology Center
Technology Center Introduction
The Company has set up a relatively perfect R & D organization, i.e. technology center, established a perfect R & D system, carried out R & D and trial production of new products, new technologies, new processes and new materials, and continuously optimized product performance. According to the company’s development strategy and market development direction, it carries out research and development topics and project approval, responds to customers’ needs in time through the research and development of new projects, participates in the development and design of customers’ next-generation products, and forms a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with customers.

Up to now, there are more than 10 personnel with senior engineer titles, with master’s degree accounting for more than 20%. The full-time technical personnel are experienced and pragmatic. They are a strong high-level team.
  • 2002
    The R & D Center was established in 2002
  • 7
    Mainly undertaking 7 major projects
  • 80
    With a total number of more than 80 senior engineers
  • 10
    More than 10 people with professional titles
  • 20%
    Accounting for the percentage of master's degrees
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